Mozilla Acquires Anonym to Further Privacy-Preserving Digital Advertising

Mozilla announced it has acquired Anonym in an effort to promote privacy-preserving digital advertising solutions....
Mozilla Acquires Anonym to Further Privacy-Preserving Digital Advertising
Written by Matt Milano
  • Mozilla announced it has acquired Anonym in an effort to promote privacy-preserving digital advertising solutions.

    Mozilla is one of the foremost champions of privacy and security. Anonym is a “trailblazer” in the realm of digital advertising, working to preserve privacy while supporting a healthy and internet ecosystem.

    Anonym was founded with two core beliefs: First, that people have a fundamental right to privacy in online interactions and second, that digital advertising is critical for the sustainability of free content, services and experiences. Mozilla and Anonym share the belief that advanced technologies can enable relevant and measurable advertising while still preserving user privacy.

    Mozilla says the time is perfect to use Anonym to help change the status quo.

    The online advertising industry is undergoing a significant transformation. With growing consumer concerns and increasing scrutiny from regulators, it’s evident that current data practices are excessive and unsustainable. We are at the forefront of a pivotal shift in how privacy and advertising coexist, reshaping the digital landscape for advertisers, platforms, and consumers.

    Amidst this moment of change, Anonym stands out for its unique privacy-preserving technology. By securely combining encrypted data sets from platforms and advertisers, Anonym enables scalable, privacy-safe measurement and optimization of advertiser campaigns, thereby leading a shift toward a more sustainable advertising ecosystem.

    Bringing Anonym onboard will allow Mozilla to leverage its scale and reputation to further privacy-preserving digital advertising beyond what Anonym could do on its own.

    The acquisition is good news for privacy advocates and will hopefully help change the digital advertising market for the better.

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