What looks like another promotional piece for the upcoming Prometheus actually serves two roles. Not only is it virally promoting Ridley Scott's next trip into the universe appa...
Pretty soon, anything that has even the slightest modicum of popularity is going to be marketed in a viral manner. Granted, the Halo video game series is a little bit more than sl...
We're a little under a month before HBO begins season five of its fan-favorite vampire story that follows the adventures of one Sookie Stackhouse. I am, of course, talking about t...
Although it doesn't come out until July 3rd, that hasn't stopped Sony from trying to take away a little bit of the Avengers hype to apply to the upcoming Spider-Man reboot, starrin...
Viral marketing for movies has been apart of our consciousness dating back to The Blair Witch Project. From there, we've seen successful ventures from The Dark Knight...
There's a thought that no press is bad press, and while that maybe true for folks like Marilyn Manson, someone from the land of music who was as concerned with shocking as he was e...
When the video was viewed for the first time, my initial thought was is this one of Clive Barker's new Cenobites? Is this who he's selected to succeed the timeless Pinhead for a n...
Although the Beastie Boys previously used MTV's online arm to promote their return, they've turned to another, perhaps more popular outlet to promote their new music video for the...
As the explosion of social networking completes itself -- hey, Mark Zuckerberg agrees -- viral marketing is a very real aspect of today's world. The best examples of successful vi...
The Beastie Boys have sure embraced viral marketing in past few months. They made a splash back in April when their star studded "Fight For Your Right Revisited Trailer"...
The outsourcing of customer service is a topic of much consternation, silly sitcoms be damned. The horror stories of customer service call centers are to numerous to detail here,...
We all know the Internet has fundamentally changed the way people are marketed to. Whether it's a barrage of promotional tweets, online coupons, Facebook product pages, or the...