Photoshop is a fun little program that has inspired many works of art and many convincing fake images. Unfortunately, users were tethered to their desktops or laptops when they wanted to make hilarious “Nope, Chuck Testa” images. Starting today, users can now make them on the go.
Adobe announced on the Photoshop blog today that Photoshop Touch for iPad 2 is now available for artists on the go who want to express their creativity at any time. The app takes advantage of the iPad by using touch controls to “combine photos into layered images, add cool effects, share to Facebook, and even bring images back to Photoshop CS5 to do more.”
The tools available on Photoshop Touch are very similar to what’s available in CS5. Adobe lists the features available to users of the mobile version of Photoshop:
Make great selections by simply scribbling on the part of an image you want to keep and then on the area you want to discard—Photoshop Touch handles the rest.
Apply precise tone and color adjustments to your entire composition, a particular layer, or a specific selection.
Easily remove unwanted image elements and retouch photos using the Clone Stamp and Healing Brush tools.
Combine multiple images with layers. Adjust layer order, control individual layer opacity, and manipulate layers independently.
Choose images from multiple sources, including sites like Facebook and Google Image Search, or a live feed from your tablet’s camera.
If what the tablet version offers isn’t enough to complete whatever image is currently being worked on, users can upload their projects to the Adobe Creative Cloud to continue their work on a PC or Mac. The reverse is also true so users can move from a desktop to a tablet.
As an aside, Photoshop Touch uses a new film format called .PSDX to save images. If you’re going to be moving images back and forth between tablets and PCs, there’s a plug-in for Photoshop CS5 that will convert .PSDX files to the .PSD format.
Adobe created the below video to show how professionals are using Photoshop Touch for their work:
Photoshop Touch only costs $9.99, which is a steal considering the desktop versions cost anywhere between $99 to $349.
EDIT: Adobe has dedicated the latest episode of the Adobe Creative Suite podcast to Photoshop Touch for iPad 2. It’s a long one clocking in at 19 minutes, but it should fill in any details about the app.