Seth Edlavitch and Melissa Segal decided to explore less conventional methods in their desire to become parents after a devastating miscarriage. After five years of trying to bring new life into the world, the couple decided to post the following message on Facebook: “Loving, professional couple looking to adopt a newborn in the U.S. Melissa has been a fourth-grade teacher for 11 years, and Seth works in public health. We want to build our family through adoption with love, laughter, fun, and passion.”
The couple had no idea how many people they would be able to reach because Seth only had 40 friends on Facebook at the time. John, a FB friend shared the post and within weeks the distraught couple were given the lead that they had been hoping for. Lisa, an employee of one of John’s friends, confessed that she was pregnant and could not afford to care for her unborn child; she had several other children and was considering giving the baby up for adoption.
In a frenzy, the couple phoned the 8 month pregnant Lisa as soon as they heard about her situation. The parties decided to meet at a local Starbuck’s to exchange profiles and review medical and health histories. Lisa liked the couple and decided to start the adoption process with them.
Weeks later Lisa, gave birth and the couple became the parents of one bouncing baby boy, Noah Benjamin.
Noah is now three and the couple is hoping to find a brother or sister for him. The happy family plans to use social media to advertise their hope to adopt again.