Earlier today, Chris Gabbard did an article about the new Facebook Timeline For Brands. This is a more business-centric version of Facebook’s ubiquitous Timeline layout.
Facebook plans to have all personal and brand pages running on Timeline by the end of March. Chris noted some of the reactions to the new looks, all positive. And, some businesses do like it, that’s for sure. Check out what some of these folks had to say on Twitter about the new layout and how they think it will work for their businesses.
our Brand Simple page is using Timeline for Brands! Features have changed.. yet customization & new admin page will be fantastic!
But, after businesses have had a chance to sit with the new layout for a bit, questions are starting to emerge. Like all Facebook changes, this is one that businesses are going to have to get on board with, like it or not.
But, this sort of change is not like some no-name Facebook user having an issue with Timeline or the Ticker. Businesses spend money to represent themselves in a certain way on formats like Facebook. The following Tweets stuck out as expressing concern or delight over the new Timeline For Brands offering.
#facebook timeline for brands. They buried the custom tabs companies put time and money into building.
Personal opinion: Not a fan of@MilesToneFilm I have to say though, I was just getting used to it and then saw timeline for brands and couldn’t help cringing!
@sharayray I’m a little scared of Facebook Timeline for Pages…I mean, no landing pages or tabs?!
The point of brands to be on Facebook is to interact and engage with customers…not sure how Timeline Pages does that? At all.
I’m somewhere in the middle about Facebook for Brands. I like that it’s more visual, but don’t think the timeline approach is best…