While he may take guff for every move he makes on the basketball court that doesn’t result in a championship ring, and even though he has a reputation as something of an attention-whore, LeBron James brought some much-needed positive attention to the Trayvon Martin issue, one that Geraldo Rivera foolishly trivialized by focusing on clothing instead of, say, the appalling way the case was handled by the Sanford Police Department.
To do this, James took to Twitter and simply posted the following, incredibly powerful image of him and his Miami Heat teammates:
Click for full size
LeBron’s tweet, perhaps his best ever, has been quickly rebroadcast across the appropriate channels, as the Martin’s story continues to galvanize the rest of the country. On Twitter, the #hoodies hashtag is full of the same kind of respect for both LeBron and Trayvon:
#respect RT “@KingJames: #WeAreTrayvonMartin #Hoodies #Stereotyped #WeWantJustice http://t.co/6OSaRURg”
LeBron’s finest moment@KingJames: #WeAreTrayvonMartin #Hoodies #Stereotyped #WeWantJustice http://t.co/QOZiiZKG
Really great. RT@KingJames: #WeAreTrayvonMartin #Hoodies #Stereotyped #WeWantJustice http://t.co/yzRmPa0z
I must say. Kinda cool. RT@dvnix: .@GeraldoRivera teach them that racial profiling is bad & should end, instead of… ? #hoodies
See? But, that’s way to haaard. RT