This just in: nobody is really sure how exactly they feel about tech companies.
Following last week’s LA Times/USC Dornsife poll found that most people don’t trust Google with their private information, another poll has revealed that, among tech companies, people favor Google more than Apple, Facebook, and Twitter.
82% of the 1,007 adults surveyed for the ABC News/Washington Post poll said that they have a favorable view of Google, with only 9% stating that their view was unfavorable. More, 53% of responders said they were “strongly favorable” of Google. 4 out of 5 people view Google favorably yet they aren’t so sure they’d want to trust them with their private information? What is so favorable about Google, then? It’s good lucks and charming way it disarmed your parents when you took it home to meet the family? Who are these people responding to these polls and why don’t their opinions ever stay consistent?
Apple wasn’t far behind Google with 74% of people viewing the company favorably. Apple only faired moderately better than Google in the LA Times poll last week, but still didn’t get much higher marks than Google when it came to preserving the privacy around users’ information.
Google and Apple were both the brands of choice among the affluent and the young.
Favorability of both brands peaks among people with household incomes of $100,000 or more; in this group a near-unanimous 93 and 91 percent express favorable opinions of Google and Apple, respectively. Among those under age 30, Google maintains 92 percent favorability, Apple, 81 percent. And both are more popular among college graduates (88 and 84 percent) than their counterparts (a still-impressive 79 and 70 percent).
As for Facebook, a majority of people, 58%, still viewed it favorably although much less so than Google and Apple. However, 28% said they regarded the social networking site unfavorably. The brand ranked highest among young adults as 76% replied with a favorable view. Older generations, however, as only 34% of adults see Facebook in a favorable light. Women, peculiarly enough, view the site more favorably than men, 63% compared to 53%.
Twitter has the most mixed opinions and it’s the only brand that had a higher percentage of people with an unfavorable opinion than a favorable opinion. Even among the youngsters, who usually drive up the numbers in these types of polls, only 42% see Twitter as favorable.
As mentioned at the beginning of this article, take these results with a grain of salt. For one, Microsoft, maker of Windows, which may not be seen as hip and suave as Apple and Google, is still the most-used operating system around the world by a crushing margin yet Microsoft wasn’t included in this study.
And then there’s the caprice of the poll respondents. Not only do previous polls cast doubt on the validity of this poll, but the inconsistency between polls makes previous polls appear to be less reliable for gauging the public’s opinion.
Do your personal opinions reflect the ABC/WaPo survey? Think these polls are meaningless or is there actually something significant going on here? Let us know in the comments.
[Via Cult of Android via BGR.]