Android developers, take note: Google I/O still has plenty of goodies for you. After all the previous video tutorials and information sessions, you can still take on some Android development knowledge, right? Google has uploaded some great videos that covers everything Android from developing Android apps that use Web APIs to how to best use NFC and Android Beam.
The first video talks up building Android apps with Web APIs. Here’s the description:
Google offers a large and growing set of back-end services, from AdSense to Tasks to Calendar to Google+, that can enrich your app, and increasingly they have a uniform set of APIs. This session discusses how to use them efficiently and securely, including authenticating safely and with good user experience, and describes Android-specific app-level optimizations.
The next is all about Google Cloud Messaging for Android. Here’s what you need to know:
Cloud-to-device-messaging (C2DM) is coming out of beta and getting a new name: Google Cloud Messaging for Android. GCM for Android incorporates the lessons we learned in the C2DM beta, many of which take the form of new features. This session will cover the new service end-to-end and in detail.
Up next should be of particular interest for those who want to take advantage of Google Drive on Android. Here’s the lowdown:
This session goes through how to write Drive apps that synchronize files with Android devices. We’ll also go into how to open files on Android devices, or create new files from this environment.
Last but certainly not least, developers can learn all about NFC and its Android Beam counterpart. Here’s the skinny:
A session covering the developer-oriented NFC features we’ve been adding to the Android platform. Learn how to use Android Beam to add magic sharing abilities to your application, and see what other new and exciting NFC features we’re working on.