Sometimes, when your significant other is far away, all you want to do is give them a big kiss. When sexting has run it’s course, you may need something a bit more physical to fill the chasm of emotional separation.
Meet Kissenger, a “kiss messenger” robot that can communicate kisses across the interwebs.
From the Kissenger site:
Kissenger system consists of a pair of robots to transfer kiss over distance. Kissenger provides a novel way of transferring a kiss through interactive digital media. It provides a physical interface enabling kiss communication for several applications facilitating intimate human tele-presence with the real and virtual worlds.
In other words, these little robots allow you to physically feel the kiss of your faraway lover. At least the pressure and movement of their kiss.
“In version 2.0, each Kissenger robot can be connected to a computer via USB port. The client software on that computer connects the Kissenger device to the server. The server manages all the communications between kissenger robots and connects two Kissenger devices of the partners together,” says the bot’s creators.
Admittedly, my mind lives in gutter. But does anyone else see this technology broadening to encompass…other areas?
[via psfk]