Back in May, Rovio announced that downloads for the Angry Birds series had topped 1 billion. Simply put, that’s a hell of a lot of Angry Birds, Rio, Seasons, and the new Angry Birds Space being played.
So it’s clear that people still have an interest in birds as projectiles. And if you’re someone who still loves a little pig structure destruction, but is getting sick of the repetitive finger-flicking and mouse-clicking – this new controller’s for you.
Student at the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design have developed the Super Angry Birds – what they call a “tangible controller.”
“Super Angry Birds is a force feedback USB controller for Angry Birds that simulates the feeling of a slingshot,” they say. All the controls found in the game are available in this device. You can control the pull, the angle, and of course trigger the special power of the bird. We hacked a motorized fader found in audio mixing consoles to simulate the force you would feel when using a slingshot.
Awesome. If I regularly played Angry Birds on my PC or Mac, let’s just say that I may think about giving these guys at CIID a call. I wonder if they’re thinking about mass production?
Oh, and the reason I led with “another” is due to this other slingshot controller that showed up earlier this year. It’s an actual slingshot, modified for Angry Birds:
I’ll take either one.
[via Geekosystem]