CBS today announced that The Price is Right, the daytime game show known for the phrase “a new car!” and games such as Plinko, will be getting a male model to join its cast of female beauties.
A five-episode web series will air this fall featuring some possible models for the show. The show will be a competition, and viewers will be able to vote online for their favorite models. The model who receives the most votes will win a one-week modeling gig on The Price is Right, which will air the week of October 15th. The web series will tape on September 4th and 5th, and the winner of the series will be announced on October 5th.
CBS will invite men who are over 18 years of age to an open casting call at Studio City in Los Angeles on August 30, from 10am to 2pm. Models will then be featured on The Price is Right website, where fans can vote on the men. The semi-finalists from that casting call will be featured in the five-part web series.
Want to be a male model on The Price is Right? Those interested can fill out a participant application to be considered for the contest. Some of the questions on the application include “Have you ever made or appeared in a home video or photograph in which you or another person appeared nude or topless (female)?” and “Have you ever been convicted of a felony?”
Though this is a contest for a one-week appearance on the show, it could be that CBS is looking to test whether male models could work on The Price is Right. The show has traditionally featured tall, leggy women who show off products, flip price cards and roll out props for various games.