Scotty McCreery, last year’s winner of American Idol, is a real trooper. When he fell of the stage during a concert last week, the country singer jumped back up on stage and continued his show. Watch below as McCreery takes a tumble into some of his fans:
McCreery even had a sense of humor about the event. The singer tweeted out some footage of the event to all of his 615,000 Twitter followers:
If anybody wants a good laugh…
McCreery wasn’t the only person who got a kick out of his klutzy fall. Country star Brad Paisley, who McCreery is currently touring with, decided to make a joke out of the situation in a subsequent show by putting traffic cones and warning tape around the edge of the stage. McCreery also Tweeted a picture of Paisley’s joke to his Twitter account:
@BradPaisley wanted me to be extra catious tonight! Thanks Brad!
McCreery’s fans were very supportive, laughing at the singer’s misfortune but also being supportive with stories of their own falls admonishments to be careful:
@ScottyMcCreery you’re such a clutz like me heheh love yew
@ScottyMcCreery as long as your ok I mean I laughed the second time my mom was like be carful scotty
@ScottyMcCreery Glad you laughed and came back strong. I fell with my guitar once. right on my butt on the drummers perch and kept playing.