Gearbox must have hired the most eclectic and creative marketing team in video game company history, then dumped pallets of money into their office and said, “go!”
That’s how it feels anyway, with Borderlands 2 having some of the best trailers of the year, an unbelievably cool limited edition of the game, and a playable 16-bit version called The Border Lands, complete with 80s-era cardboard game boxes and a faked YouTube review from 1989.
Today, just four days until the release of Borderlands 2, Gearbox has announced a new contest for in the form of an online social game. Called “Mount Jackmore,” it is a simple web game on the Borderlands 2 website that tasks players with shooting a version of Handsome Jack’s (this guy’s) face that has been carved into stone. Prizes will be awarded to players who destroy parts of the face. The shooting for all players goes on in real time, so players will be able to see their competition picking away at the face. Players will receive 100 bullets per day, but can earn more by “sharing” the game with a friend.
Unfortunately for those in the U.S., the game is only available to those in the U.K., France, Germany, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Norway, Denmark, Russia, and Australia. Take a look at the trailer for the contest below: