Yesterday saw the premiere of a new three-part web series called Dishonored: The Tales From Dunwall. The short animated features are narrated by Chloe Moretz (Kick Ass, Let Me In) and provide some background for Bethesda and Arkane Studios’ upcoming Dishonored. The shorts have been animated by hand by the Psyop production company and layered with 3D elements.
Rather than make us wait weeks between new episodes, Bethesda has mercifully released the second episode of the series today.
The new tale follows a young boy in the time after Esmund Rosenburrow’s folly, when Dunwall has already began its decline into authoritarian barbarism. He is picked on by adults and peers alike. His only friend is a rat. When the boy is granted extraordinary powers from an “outsider,” he learns what it means not to live in fear.
Dishonored will be released for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC in the U.S. on October 9th.