Hillary Clinton is earning some notoriety among web trolls today as a video makes its way around the circuit of her apparently catching a few z’s during President Obama’s speech in Myanmar on Monday.
The president was the first American leader to visit Myanmar, as well as Cambodia, and gave an inspirational speech to the audience at the University of Yangon.
“You’re taking a journey that has the potential to inspire so many people,” Obama said.
Apparently, jet-lag was enough to keep the Secretary of State a little sleepy during the oration, as it appears she nodded off for a moment.
Finally some peace in Gaza. Good work Sen. Clinton. Good to know those extra Zzzzz during the POTUS’ speech paid off.now.msn.com/hillary-clinto…
— Jeff (@Mad_Hatmaker) November 21, 2012
DON’T WE ALL WISH.. we could just TURN HIM OFF, TUNE HIM OUT? Hillary Clinton Falls Asleep During Obama’s Speech.westernjournalism.com/hillary-clinto…
— Bob Miller (@Miller51550) November 21, 2012