Despite having been announced almost a year ago, we haven’t seen much gameplay from Watch Dogs. Ubisoft prefers to trot out the same gameplay footage we’ve been seeing since February whenever they show it off to the press. That all changed this week with a new gameplay demo.
Official PlayStation Magazine was able to sit down with a new gameplay demo that features a gameplay element that we haven’t seen yet. The demo reveals that players will have to take over local bases before they can hack electronic devices in a district.
The above demo is running on a PC, but it’s said to be running on next-gen specs. In other words, the PlayStation 4 and next Xbox version of Watch Dogs should match what you’re seeing above.
Watch Dogs will launch on November 19 for PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U. It will also be out on the PS4 and the next Xbox on or near their respective launches.