It was really only a matter of time, right?
Robugtix has revealed the newest member of its robot bug family – the T8. It’s a robot spider that features realistic movement thanks to its finely 3D printed parts.
T8 is a wirelessly controlled bio-inspired octopod robot made with high resolution 3D printed parts. It uses a total of 26 motors: 3 in each leg and 2 in the abdomen. It is powered by the Bigfoot Inverse Kinematics Engine which performs all of the necessary calculations for smoothly controlling the motions of the robot in real time.
If you would like the T8 complete with 3D printed parts, you can buy one from Robugtix for $1,350. You’ll also need the $85 Robugtix controller if you want to send the spider into the night on sneaking/scaring missions.
[h/t: 3ders]