In the latest installment of the Amanda Bynes-saying-something-odd-on-Twitter show, the former Nickelodeon star has now decided to call President Obama, as well as the First Lady, “ugly.”
“Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are ugly!” writes Bynes. Say what you will about the motivation between the tweet – but it’s popular. In a few hours, the tweet has racked up over 16,000 retweets and nearly 12,000 favorites.
Barack Obama and Michelle Obama are ugly!
— Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) July 8, 2013
It’s been an interesting few months for Bynes – between an arrest for marijuana possession and a probation sentence for driving on a suspended license, the star has seen her share of legal troubles.
And those legal troubles have also surrounded some strange Twitter behavior – head shaving, topless pics, and such. And as far as the whole calling people “ugly” thing goes – well, that’s nothing new. Bynes has called R&B star Drake, Miley Cyrus, and even her own father ugly on Twitter. Now, it appears, that designation has extended to the POTUS and FLOTUS.
We’re still waiting for a Twitter rebuttal from either Barack or Michelle Obama. We won’t hold our breath.
I guess it’s just best to remember this, from about a month ago:
This is my twitter. I say whatever I want. Thanks!
— Amanda Bynes (@AmandaBynes) June 12, 2013