Music has long had the power to move our emotions; it can pump us up when we need a kickstart, it can help us get over being dumped, it can touch a chord when we’re feeling particularly low and leave us a sobbing heap on the floor (Radiohead, I’m talking to you). But all those things usually come later in life, after we’ve gone through an array of good and bad and have memories to associate with song. Rarely does it come before we’ve learned to walk.
But one baby–10-month old Mary Lynne Leroux–can’t listen to her mom sing “My Heart Can’t Tell You No” without crying, and we’re not talking a baby’s wail. We’re talking big, silent tears that come with a smile, as though she’s listening to the best saddest song ever. It’s adorable, it’s heartbreaking, it’s gone viral–almost 400,000 views since October 18–and I dare you to watch it without crying.
Image: YouTube