We now have a Netflix release date for American Horror Story: Season 2 (Asylum). You’ll be able to stream it on December 7th (yep, tomorrow).
Fans of the show have been eagerly anticipating its return to Netflix, even as the third season only has two episodes left on FX. Luckily, since each season is a separate story, it should make little to no difference which order you watch them in.
We had initially speculated that Netflix might make Asylum available for streaming in November, as the first season became available in November of 2012. Netflix added last year’s season of Sons of Anarchy (another FX show) in October, a year after it added the previous season, so it seemed reasonable to expect similar treatment of American Horror Story.
This turned out to not quite be the case.Even before we had a hard release date, we learned last month that AHS would return to Netflix in December.
In case you’re interested, Netflix has also added the eighth season of FX’s It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia to its streaming line-up.
Image: American Horror Story (Facebook)