During a recent interview with GQ magazine, Dylan Penn opens up about her love-life rumors pertaining to Twilight heartthrob Robert Pattinson. She is also seen, in a spread, showing some (or a lot) of cleavage wearing extremely short shorts and a plunging neckline. You may not immediately recognize Penn, but if you take a closer look, you will see a mixture of movie stars Sean Penn and Robin Wright.
“We’re talking about Rob here?” she said when asked about the increasing amount of attention she has been receiving. “That’s been very foreign to me. But actually kind of funny, because it’s all bullshit.” Although there hasn’t been an official boyfriend/girlfriend title put on any of Penn’s relationship yet, she has also been seen with Vampire Diaries’ Steven R. McQueen. Maybe Penn has a thing for these vampire boys.
So, what kind of pick-up line will get Penn’s attention? “It has to be funny. It has to make me laugh. It can be crude, it can be lighthearted, it doesn’t matter. It just has to be funny,” Penn admits.
To see the full spread, and read the entire interview, pick up a copy of the January issue of GQ magazine.
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