On Monday it was announced that Jennifer Capriati is off the hook for battery and stalking charges that were brought against her. The former tennis star was reportedly charged in 2013 after a confrontation with an ex-boyfriend.
According to Mike Edmondson, a spokesman for the Palm Beach County State attorney’s office, the misdemeanor charges were dropped after Capriati completed 30 hours of community service and underwent four hours of anger management counseling sessions.
Court documents reveal Capriati completed her community service at Pepin Heart Institute in Tampa, FL and attended anger management sessions last week.
“Those are standard conditions for a deferred prosecution,” Edmondson said.
On Feb. 14th, 2013 (Valentine’s Day), the 37-year-old Capriati is alleged to have repeatedly punched her ex-boyfriend Ivan Brannan at a gym and stalked him for months prior to that incident. A witness, who is also one of Brannan’s co-workers, told authorities that Capriati tried to enter a locked room at their place of business and sometimes called as much as 50 times a day.
Capriati is an international tennis legend who began playing professional tennis at age 13. In the 1992 Barcelona Olympic, she won a gold medal. She also won the women’s Australian and the French Open. Capriati is one of the most accomplished professional women’s tennis players in the world, having won 14 singles tournaments in her tennis career.
This was not the first time the International Tennis Hall of Famer found herself on the wrong side of the law. Her sporting career was briefly interrupted in the mid-1990s when she was arrested for shoplifting and marijuana charges.
Efforts to trace her for comments were not successful.
Here’s what led to the charges against Capriati
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