Recently, a ban on yoga pants and leggings has been placed on students at a high school in Rockport, MA. This new rule has resulted in students and parents saying the school has gone too far.
Rockport’s High School dress code states that students are prohibited from wearing the pants, but students say the policy hasn’t been unforced until recently.
The newly reinforced rule sprouted from expressed concerns from faculty members. They were bothered that the students weren’t complying with the dress code policy in the student handbook.
The school’s principal recently held an assembly to remind the high school students about the new rule.
20 female students didn’t seem to agree with the newly enforced rules. Instead, the girls sported the body-hugging pants. The protesting girls were immediately told to go home to change their clothes. They also received write ups, warning them never to return with the yoga pants or leggings again.
Senior Aidan Wright was among the students written up for wearing the banned yoga pants.
“I just don’t think anyone would have looked at my outfit and felt like I was dressing in a way that was inappropriate for school,” Wright said.
The news of the ban has gone viral, making Twitter users speak out.
What the hell is the world coming too !
— Tyler Wilkins (@wilktyled) February 8, 2014
LMAO RT @WYSHradio — Fox News:
Massachusetts school has banned yoga pants.
Rockport High School in…
— Luciano (@_iMotorBoat) February 8, 2014
"Go to Russia if you don't like yoga pants!!"
— Tyler Robert Hall (@_TylerHall) February 9, 2014
Superintendent Rob Liebow supports the principal in his decision to address the situation. The policy is firmly in place for students to adhere to, he said.
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