Bob Barker is known as the former television host of the popular game show The Price is Right. The 90-year-old is also known as an animal activist who ended every show with his trademark sendoff, “Help control the pet population. Have your pet spayed or neutered.” But did you know that Barker also appeared on the daytime soap The Bold and the Beautiful in 2002? And he plans on doing it again.
Barker, who will be appearing as himself in a cameo, is set to be on the CBS soap starting April 30 for three episodes. The story arc will center around animal rescue. Additionally, animal trainer Brandon McMillan from the CBS show Lucky Dog and Los Angeles Councilman Bernard Parks will also appear with Barker.
In one of the episodes, Liam Spencer (Scott Clifton) interviews Barker about animal control. One of Barker’s lines for the interview is reportedly, “Animals can’t speak for themselves, they depend on us to protect them.”
SNEAK PEEK: @CliftonsNotes and TV Legend #BobBarker on set at #BoldandBeautiful @CBSDaytime
— CBS Tweet (@CBSTweet) April 25, 2014
Barker hosted The Price is Right for 35 years until Drew Carey took over in 2007. The television veteran recently made a special guest appearance on the game show on December 12 in order to celebrate his 90th birthday.
The Bold and the Beautiful is still one of the most popular daytime television soaps. The Los Angeles based program made its debut on March 23, 1987.
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