In a cover story for Women’s Health, Kaley Cuoco was interviewed for an article with the headline “Kaley Cuoco-Sweeting: Hollywood’s Unsung Starlet”. The interview covered topics such as confidence, Cuoco’s social media presence, her status as a rising star, and her haircut.
What are media outlets covering most? You guessed it: her haircut.
The soundbite that keeps traveling around is the unfortunate comparison she made to a particular pop singer. “I was swishing my hair to the left so much, I was like, ‘Do I look like Justin Bieber?!'” Cuoco said. However, she went on to say that because of the haircut she feels “liberated. It’s like I needed to find myself again.”
The haircut in question is, in fact, old news by a few months. Cuoco posted the pixie cut on Instagram back in May, with the caption “Thank you @clsymonds for bringing out my inner Peter Pan 🙂 #byronbeverlyhills #justcutitoff”.
While the Justin Bieber quote was the only mention of the haircut published in Women’s Health‘s preview of the September issue, Entertainment Tonight published more quotes from Cuoco to the magazine about the haircut experience.
The story goes something like this:
“When I wrapped season 7 of Big Bang a couple months ago, we cut it short that night. I haven’t had my hair cut in over 20 years. I was ready for a change — I felt like I needed to reinvent myself and that cut was awesome. And I kept seeing people cutting their hair shorter and shorter, and I thought, it’s only a few more inches, and I talked to my hair dresser and we cut it. I loved it, I didn’t want to stop. I am surprised I did not shave my head.”
She also called it “The haircut heard around the planet.”
Cuoco recently signed a three year contract to act in The Big Bang Theory for another 72 episodes. Her salary will be one million dollars per half hour episode.
Image via normancook, Instagram