Heidi Montag made a name for herself by appearing on the TV show The Hills. However, she is now known as the “girl who got 10 plastic surgery procedures done in one day”. After the incident, she was accused of being addicted to plastic surgery. The star recently revealed that it’s really a self-esteem issue rather than a compulsion. In an interview with Extra, Montag opened up about her regrets and why she’s sworn off plastic surgery for good.
“Blogs were just starting then. People would write the meanest, nastiest things and sometimes I would read them and then I started feeling them. I disliked myself so much I literally chopped up my whole body,” Montag said in the interview. She also revealed that her newfound reputation post-surgery wasn’t any better. “I’m ‘surgery girl,’ that sucks.”
Among the procedures that Montag had done were getting DDD implants, getting her ears pinned back, chin reduction surgery, a mini brow lift, and a nose job revision. She revealed that just last year she went under the knife again to have her breast implants reduced. “My implants were falling through. They were three pounds each so I was really miserable. Obviously, I didn’t want to go back into surgery, but it was really necessary,” Montag said of the procedure, which she swears will be the last thing she’ll ever have done.
“I’m just done with all of it,” Heidi says. “I’m going to age gracefully and bow out.” The star says that of all the procedures she had done, she regrets her chin reduction the most. “I have TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction) now and my jaw hurts. I don’t think people do tell you the trauma of what you’re going to heal from. I was in so much pain, I actually thought I was going to die,” Montag said.