Blake Lively stars in a summer film called The Shallows, in which she finds herself stranded on a rock along the coastline, fearing for her life.
The Shallows Trailer: Watch Blake Lively Battle A Terrifyin… |
— CINEMABLEND (@cinemablend) March 18, 2016
Yes, it sounds like it’s going to be that kind of film–but summer movie-goers will no doubt love it, even if only for the fact that Blake Lively is among its stars.
In a new trailer for The Shallows, fans are afforded a sneak peek of Blake Lively screaming for help.
“What was once in the deep, is now in the shallows,” the poster touting The Shallows reads.
In the film, Blake Lively plays the role of Nancy, who decides to surf in a rather isolated area. She finds herself–as seen in the trailer–surrounded by sharks, following an injury.
Watch Blake Lively battle a scary shark in The Shallows trailer:
— Us Weekly (@usweekly) March 18, 2016
Are you a Blake Lively fan? Does The Shallows sound worth seeing when, after all, you could just go online and watch video clips of Blake Lively doing the talk show circuit to promote the film?
Does the plot–or lack thereof–of this upcoming Blake Lively film sound a bit predictable to you?