Social networks may become home to a lot more marketers this year. The Society of Digital Agencies (SoDA) surveyed a number of senior marketing execs, and found that many of them have made social networks and applications their top priority in 2010.
Indeed, a whopping 45.4 percent of the people involved in SoDA’s Digital Marketing Outlook study indicated that they consider social networks and applications to be a top priority, and although this isn’t quite a majority, significantly fewer people said the same thing about digital infrastructure, search optimization, and everything else.
Extremely few marketers consider social networks and applications to be irrelevant, too.
These are likely to be good signs for Facebook, MySpace, and perhaps Twitter in particular (since it’s still in search of a steady source of revenue). Even users shouldn’t mind the corporate participation, since an ad from a mainstream company is likely to be better received than something promoting a random dating site. And social media campaigns can be better still.
Of course, SoDA’s information is a bit odd in light of the fact that people speaking for both Facebook and Twitter have said the companies won’t IPO this year.
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