YouTube has partnered with PBS NewsHour on an interview with Bob Dudley, President and CEO of BP’s Gulf Coast Restoration Organization. This is a chance for people and organizations to ask questions related to the oil spill and get responses from BP.
"If your organization is interested in being part of the discussion, we welcome questions from you and your members," says Kristie Mun with the Google Grants Team. "You can ask BP questions about accountability, the clean-up plan, recovery efforts in the Gulf region, environmental impact, the status of the relief well drilling, the role of the U.S. government, the future of offshore drilling and of BP as a company, or any other topic on your mind."
You can submit questions via Google Moderator on the CitizenTube YouTube channel. The top questions will be asked in the interview.
It starts at 3:30 Eastern, and portions will be showing tonight on PBS (and will be available on YouTube). PBS’ Ray Suarez will moderate.