PubCon Las Vegas gets started tomorrow (at least content-wise), and promises to deliver tons of great information about social media marketing, search engine marketing, etc. WebProNews will be covering the event with many exclusive interviews with speakers at the show (see PubCon’s full speaker list here).
At BlogWorld last month, WebProNews sat down with Brett Tabke, CEO of WebmasterWorld, which hosts the event. "We have a huge kick off keynote this year from New York Times’ Mr. David Pogue, lead tech editor…very well known in our space. We’re really excited about having him out," says Tabke. "We also have a huge social media panel the second day with Brian Clark, Scott Stratten, Chris Brogan, PR Sarah Evans…"
Tim Mayer, former head of search product and business at Yahoo, will also keynote the third day.
"We’re really looking forward to it. We have a huge presence this year in social media…kind of turned the corner on search this year…obviously that’s our core interested – SEO, SEM of course, but social media, just a huge set of tracks this year on social media," says Tabke.
"Coming up to about two years ago, we had done traditional marketing, offline marketing, PPC marketing…buying ads here and there. We had limited success with it," he says. We know it was working to a degree. People used coupon codes, took us up on offers, and then we decided…well, with the advent of Twitter and how huge the impact it had on events, such as SXSW…all the conference space, we decided to move exclusively to Twitter and Facebook marketing. It completely changed the nature of our business and the nature of the attendee that comes to PubCon."
It’s not only PubCon’s content that focuses on social media. Tabke and his team take full advantage of social media to organize the event as well. "We found quite a few great speakers via Twitter and through a service called Klout that rates tweets and their influence, and we tracked everybody through Klout and we came up with some very interesting speakers, such as Scott Stratten (we discovered him through Twitter 2 years ago), Chris Brogan (a couple years ago as well)."
Topics to be addressed at the event include: reputation management, PPC tactics, in-house SEO, affiliate programs, modern CSS and HTML coding, social media marketing, retweets and influence, Twitter apps, keyword research, large scale search programs, hiring SEOs, optimizing for universal and personal search, WordPress SEO, multimedia SEO, SEO tools, geo-location marketing, content creation and marketing, backlinks, monetizing social media channels, PR, link-buying, community administration, information architecture, e-commerce, optimizing for contextual ads, analytics, local search, and much more.
We’ll be providing continuous live video coverage throughout the event. Stay tuned to and throughout the week.