Facebook appears to be having some difficulty today as numerous people have complained about loading issues in different capacities.
Currently, we’re having trouble getting the site to load some people’s profile pictures, but based on tweets throughout the day, others are having other loading issues.
Here are some examples we’ve run across:
The Facebook social plugin on my website doesn’t seem to be loading. Can anyone see it? Anyone else having this problem?
Anyone else having troubles with the Facebook app for the iPhone? It’s not loading for me. Big fat bummer.
Aaaaarrrrggh facebook not loading in my desktop…?Somebody help me…
The Facebook app on iPhone sucks! Always got problem loading commented photos!
Why isn’t facebook loading my tweets? GRRR!
@haryordele not that facebook has overcapacity oh!!! my fb is just not loading; its slow for some reasons
It’s not like a couple weeks ago when the whole site went down for a lot of users, but we still have to wonder what the deal is. I wonder if it’s related to the huge amount of photos that have been uploaded to Facebook. They broke a record on New Year’s.
We’ve reached out to Facebook for comment, and we’ll update when we get a response.
Have you noticed any trouble loading any elements of Facebook today? Let us know.