It seems like everything that Lady Gaga touches turns to viral gold. Her presence on the internet is arguably the most far-reaching of any celebrity.
Not only was she the first to hit 10,000,000 Twitter followers, she remains the most followed person on the entire network with around 12.5 million as of the writing of this article. In June, Gaga joined the bloggosphere with the creation of her Tumblr fashion blog Amen Fashion.
And remember when Amazon tried selling her new album “Born This Way” for just $0.99? Fans pretty much collapsed their whole infrastructure.
The latest Gaga content that people are going gaga for is a stripped down version of her song “Edge of Glory” that she performed on The Howard Stern Show.
Apparently, it took Stern months to get Lady Gaga to come on his show. Once he did, however, it was worth the wait. He raves about the performance, saying that it’s “one of the best live performances he has ever seen on the show.” Featuring just a piano and Gaga’s voice, the YouTube video has blown up. Check it out below –
In just a couple of weeks the video has amassed over 1 million views, almost 5,000 comments and has been favorited 7,300+ times.
She is a viral machine.
One way she stays so relevant on the internet is with her videos on YouTube. Her official video for “Bad Romance” is the second most-viewed video of all time, notching over 405 million views in a little over a year. Her YouTube channel has over 1.7 billion views altogether.
Think about it this way: This version of the song “Edge of Glory” just hit 1 million views. Another live version already has 2.5 million views. The original video has over 25 million views. Two live versions of one of her songs has more views than most YouTube videos could ever dream of having.
Of course another way she stays internet relevant is through Twitter. I mentioned that she is queen of the followed earlier, but she also interacts with fans and posts semi-regularly – about once a day.
@luhgaga RT U were the 1 to draw tears from my eyes to hear u sing.
Its nice to dance but sometimes u must cry to make the next dance betterAnd then there are the random things that Gaga does to boost herself online. Take for instance the YouTube question forum she did for Google. Fans submitted questions via social media and host Marissa Mayer forwarded them on to Gaga. The event even had its own logo and hashtag, #googlegoesgaga.
Love her or hate her, you can’t deny that her internet presence is becoming that of legend.