October 31, 2011 marks the 30th anniversary of the death of James and Lily Potter, the parents of the boy who lived, Harry Potter. Some fans decided the best way to honor the memory of James and Lily Potter was to give them a moment of Twitter silence at 3 p.m GMT.
Potter fans on Twitter are planning an hour of Twitter silence to pay their respects for the fictional parents Harry Potter. Below is some Twitter reaction to what people are saying on Twitter about “RIP James and Lily Potter“. As Im sure you can imagine some are pretty serious about it, while others find the whole thing rather absurd.
If I see ANYONE tweeting, I will UNFOLLOW you sooner than you can say muggles. RIP James and Lily Potter.
RIP James and Lily Potter, but you should have lived instead.
RIP James and Lily Potter. Because of the both of you, we learnt that true love from a real heart defeats all evil :’)
Are people seriously tweeting “RIP James and Lily Potter”? c’mon, are you fo’ real? 😐 I love Harry Potter but that’s ridiculous :/
RIP James and Lily Potter. 31st October 1981-31st October 2011.
It’s been 30 years since that fateful night, when Harry Potter survived that killing curse-RIP James and Lily Potter. Forever in our <3’s <3
RIP James and Lily Pottertoday is the day that bonds Sirius and Severus forever. One lost their best friend, one their only love.RIP James and Lily Potter
“will you stay with me? “until the very end” RIP James and Lily Potter.
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