ChaCha has gone so far as to put out a press release talking about how its users predicted the Kim Kardashian divorce.
“Questions about the divorce have been flooding into ChaCha all day, with news that the couple is splitting only 72 days after their wedding,” it says.
Before E! aired “Kim’s Fairytale Wedding: A Kardashaian Event,” ChaCha asked “a select group of users” how soon until the couple broke up. They answered as follows:
One Week (16%)
One Month (28%)
One Year (38%)
Never (16%)
Congratulations ChaCha users, I guess you didn’t need Wolfram Alpha for that one.
A few months back, ChaCha announced that it added knowledge from Wolfram Alpha, which as you may know, helps the ever-popular Siri answer some of your queries.
I wonder if Siri would’ve called it correctly.
In the first day of the ChaCha/Wolfram Alpha partnership alone, Wolfram Alpha answered 32,000 of ChaCha’s incoming questions, the company said.