I think even Don McLean would be proud of this remake/cover of his American Pie standard. Posted by the LaughPong, crew, The Day The LOLCats Died is playful ditty that shares that same sense of woe most, if not all SOPA opponents feel when Lamar Smith talks or the acronym is mentioned.
In the spirit of all things against what SOPA stands for, here’s the full version of the song the The Day The LOLCats Died is based on:
As for the LOLCats/Cheezburger crew, they’ve launched a site that includes “Life After SOPA” as part of the domain name. Essentially, their position is this:
These bills threatens sites like Cheezburger, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and any others that rely on user participation. It will allow the government to censor sites and force companies to monitor your email and restrict websites that post or link to infringing content.
If you’re wondering why so many are up in arms against the anti-piracy acts, the previous paragraph should be all of the explanation you need.