Aside from the bouts of humor many Twitter users are providing, thanks, in large part to the @herpderpedia Twitter account’s work, it’s also becoming a water cooler of sorts, at least in relation to the anti-piracy act that’s ruling the day. I’m talking about SOPA, of course.
Before that, however, if you want have a little fun, check out the tweets @herpderpedia is rebroadcasting, and then click over and see what kind of responses the folks who were highlighted by the account have received. Let’s just say their lack of Wikipedia awareness was not easily forgiven.
Take this little exchange, for instance. Be warned, the language is NSFW:
@helloshaunni yeah, quit being a self centered cunt, wikipedia doesn’t revolve around you and stop taking this shit for granted
just got called a ‘self centered cunt’ because i moaned earlier about wikipedia being down. ah, i love people, they’re swell.
Aside from the frequent Wikipedia fails, Twitter has turned its full attention to SOPA with the “#thingsbetterthanSOPA” trend. The responses concerning the SOPA trend, besides being awfully accurate, are about what you’d expect:
#thingsbetterthanSOPA Bacon
#thingsbetterthanSOPA using Unflavored Burnett’s as mouth wash
#thingsbetterthanSOPA Superman 64.
#thingsbetterthanSOPA Listening to “Friday” on repeat for an entire day
#thingsbetterthanSOPA Rebecca Black’s career.
Great minds think alike, apparently. While all of those embedded tweets capture the mood of Twitter concerning SOPA, this final one, while a little dramatic, is just about pitch perfect:
With that in mind, does anyone besides bought-and-paid-for politicians and the entertainment industry actually support SOPA? Have you or has anyone you know seen an Average Joe type take a stand for these anti-piracy acts?