At some point in our lives, we all have used mind mapping to cover a topic for exams or explain a concept in a presentation. It is an effective way to brea...
Everything you do in the company drives you toward the vision and the mission of the brand and the company itself, says Jan Bednar, Founder & CEO of S...
“Nobody was using machine learning to point at the underlying consumer data to help make sense of it and bring it together,” says Matthew Biboud-Lubeck of...
The four pillars of measuring marketing ROI are key to improving sales says Jonathan Rowe, Chief Marketing Officer at nCino. “It’s really understanding yo...
Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff says that Salesforce is now entering the fourth stage of computing, the pursuit of Single Source of Truth. The official name is...
“We're 99 percent not social media or location check-ins,” says Foursquare Labs CEO Jeff Glueck. “We are rather a location technology platform that helps o...
In recent years, content marketing has become one of the most powerful techniques for growing your business. Because of its effectiveness, businesses are now allotting as much as...
“The most important thing for us and the reason we exist is that all the power is going to all of us, the buyers and consumers,” says Drift CEO David Cance...
Video meetings, persistent team chat, and consistent in-person connections are all important for keeping a connected feeling with remote employees, says Li...