On Thursday evening, former child actress Amanda Bynes was arrested after creating a disturbance at her Manhattan apartment. Bynes was allegedly smoking marijuana in the lobby of her building, causing the doorman to call police. When police arrived, Bynes allegedly fled to her apartment and flung a bong out of a window. She was arrested, taken to Roosevelt Hospital for a psychiatric evaluation, and then booked on charges of reckless endangerment, tampering with evidence, and possession of marijuana.
Since that time, Bynes has had a preliminary hearing on the charges. The actress faced a judge while wearing the disheveled blonde wig she has been showing off on Twitter for months. Bynes’ lawyer stated during the hearing that the actress denies ever throwing anything out of her window.
The former Nickelodeon actress was released without bail and is scheduled to appear in court again in July. Bynes is already on probation for driving on a suspended license in California.
TMZ has also been able to obtain a mugshot (http://www.tmz.com/2013/05/24/amanda-bynes-mug-shot-shaved-head-arrest-bong/) for Bynes, which shows how short her hair is without her extravagant wigs.