Amazon Employees Up in Arms In Response to Extreme RTO Mandate

As expected, Amazon employees are up in arms over CEO Andy Jassy's latest return-to-work (RTO) mandate, saying it's worse that pre-COVID working conditions....
Amazon Employees Up in Arms In Response to Extreme RTO Mandate
Written by Matt Milano
  • As expected, Amazon employees are up in arms over CEO Andy Jassy’s latest return-to-work (RTO) mandate, saying it’s worse that pre-COVID working conditions.

    Jassy issued a memo on Monday demanding that employees return to the office five days a week, after several smaller adjustments over the past few years. The mandate rolls back several years of remote and hybrid work at the company, and employees are not having it.

    A significant point of contention is Jassy’s assertion that the latest RTO mandate reflects a return to pre-COVID norms. In fact, some employees say the mandate is actually far stricter than conditions ever were before the pandemic, according to Business Insider.

    “To the BI reporter who will inevitably quote mine this channel today,” an employee wrote on Slack. “Please do note that this is (in a lot of cases) significantly more strict and out of its mind than many teams operated under pre-covid. This is not ‘going back’ to how it was before. It’s just going backwards.”

    Listen to a podcast conversation on Amazon’s RTO mandates. Viral discontent!


    Another took issue with Jassy’s mandate in the context of Amazon’s long-standing leadership principle about being the best place to work.

    “What ever happened to ‘Striving to be Earth’s Best Employer,” wrote the employee.

    Still others expressed their desire to be PIP’d, a term used when employees score low in evaluations and are given nearly impossible goals to meet, before being fired when they can’t meet them.

    “Can I negotiate my manager to PIP me,” an employee wrote. “Take my money and leave?”

    “So if I go in 5x week, that means I can leave my laptop at work right? There’s no reason to bring it home,” another person wrote.

    Still another employee took a jab at Jassy’s time as CEO, in the context of what it means for the company.

    “It’s day 1169,” wrote the employee in reference to Jeff Bezos saying it’s “always Day 1 at Amazon.” The phrase is a term Bezos used to reference the startup mentality Amazon needed to maintain, emphasizing being “curious, nimble, and experimental.” In contrast, Bezos described Day 2 as the phase where a company would drop into “stasis,” “irrelevance,” and an “excruciating, painful decline.”

    Jassy and other employees had to have known the RTO mandate would be unpopular, but the reaction so far could portend a disastrous decision that could end up costing the company far more than anyone imagined.

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