Apple May Be Ready to Tackle Robots

On the heals of its exit from developing autonomous vehicles, Apple is reportedly looking at the possibility of developing home robots....
Apple May Be Ready to Tackle Robots
Written by Matt Milano
  • On the heals of its exit from developing autonomous vehicles, Apple is reportedly looking at the possibility of developing home robots.

    Apple surprised the industry when reports surfaced in late February that it had killed off Project Titan, its decade-long attempt to crack the autonomous vehicle market, despite sinking billions into the endeavor. It appears the company is looking for a way to capitalize on its investment.

    According to Bloomberg, Apple is working on two types of personal home robots. One is a mobile robot that can follow users around and presumably perform tasks. Meanwhile, Bloomberg’s source says the company has already created a table-top home device that moves a display around via robotics.

    Given the amount of AI and machine learning research that went into Project Titan, it’s not surprising that Apple is looking for other markets where that expertise can be applied. In many ways, at least on the surface, robotics is a field that seems far closer and more easily aligned with Apple core business than automobiles.

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