Back in March, YouTube announced the winners of their Space Lab competition, which challenged high schoolers to design experiments that could be performed in space. After traveling through a panel of judges (including Stephen Hawking!), the two winning experiments featured spiders and bacteria.
Dorothy and Sara from Troy, Michigan designed an experiment to test how common bacteria behaves in space, while Amr from Alexandria, Egypt designed one based on how spiders spin webs and trap prey. Now, both of them will get to see their experiments performed, live, on the International Space Station.
On Thursday, September 13, Bill Nye the Science Guy will host a special live stream between Earth and the International Space Station (ISS). You’ll see the bright, young scientists of YouTube Space Lab and the NASA astronaut 250 miles above Earth performing the winning experiments of the competition launched by YouTube and Lenovo last year.
The Science Guy-helmed stream is set to kick off at 8:30am ET, but that time could shift a bit depending on the ISS schedule.
The live stream will feature an appearance from NASA astronaut Sunita Williams, who will conduct an interview with Nye. If you’re looking for a chance to have your questions posed to Sunita, you can post them on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter using the hashtag #SpaceLab.