Mayor Bill de Blasio is halting his plan to get rid of the horse carriages in New York City. Many citizens showed their support for the horse-drawn carriage industry, which has been one of the prime features of Central Park for over 150 years.
Now, the mayor is almost in his fourth month of office, and there is resistance from the City Council on the carriage horse ban. De Blasio plans to impose the carriage horse ban by the end of the year, saying that the industry is inhumane and cruel. So what was the cause of the postponed ban? Actor Liam Neeson may be one of the reasons.
According to Neeson, the horse-carriage industry is an iconic part of New York. It’s also a business that gives jobs to 400 citizens, many of them Irish immigrants. In a New York Times op-ed, Neeson mentioned that he knows what a well-cared-for horse looks like. He also said that in his experience, “horses, much like humans, are at their happiest and healthiest when working.”
In a recent poll, the results showed that almost two-thirds of New York City citizens were in support of keeping the horses in Central Park.
Aside from Neeson’s statements on the issue, city unions also showed their support for the horse-drawn carriage industry by urging the Mayor to think twice about his decision. Their resistance to the ban comes from a place of concern for those who will be losing their jobs once the ban is imposed. Additionally, the horse carriages in New York City are a profitable tourist attraction.
In replacement for the horse carriages, de Blasio is proposing the use of electric cars that are described as the “industrial spawn of a rickshaw and Thomas the Tank Engine.”
Daily News showed their support for the horse-drawn carriage industry by creating a front-page promotion called “Save our Horses.” They also got 11,000 signatures on an online petition.
In the middle of all the protests and oppositions, de Blasio is still fighting for his initial plan. In a statement he made last week, he said “I’ve said it many times over the last year so let me try one more time: I believe it’s inhumane.”
Is the ban about animal rights or real estate?
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