The ambitious project to create a new utopian city in Solano County, California, backed by a cadre of Silicon Valley's elite, has taken an intriguing turn with new developments fro...
In a groundbreaking announcement that could reshape global communications, Elon Musk, the CEO of SpaceX, revealed today on X (formerly Twitter) that SpaceX’s Starlink satellite int...
Apple has officially announced its much-anticipated event scheduled for September 9, 2024, with the intriguing tagline, "It's Glowtime." While the company remains tight-lipped abou...
Elon Musk has long been a figure synonymous with innovation, disruption, and boundary-pushing ideas. His ventures span industries as diverse as automotive, space exploration, energ...
On the morning of July 19th, 2024, the world woke up to the news of a massive global IT outage caused by a problematic update from cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike. This incident has...
A bipartisan group of senators has introduced the Content Origin Protection and Integrity from Edited and Deepfaked Media Act (COPIED Act) to protect journ...
Tesla Inc. has announced a delay in unveiling its much-anticipated robotaxi, moving the event from August to October. This postponement has caused a significant stir in the market,...
Modern technology has advanced exponentially in recent years, ranging anywhere from tens to thousands of parts. However, even things like springs, motors,...