Cindy Adams, of the New York Post’s Page Six, wrote and amazing piece about long-time friend Joan Rivers.
The lovely words from a woman who knew Joan Rivers so intimately were a great comfort to a nation who is still mourning the loss of a national comedic treasure.
Cindy Adams has seen Joan Rivers at her highest and at her very lowest.
“I’ve seen her happy, sad, laughing, crying, making a dirty joke, sipping a red wine. I’ve watched her be feisty and funny. I’ve been with her when she’s inside some junky nightie and fuzzy striped sock slippers. I know who she liked, who she didn’t.”
But nothing could have prepared Cindy Adams for attending to her friend in the last days of her life.
“Last week I saw a Joan Rivers one shouldn’t see. Pale and still as marble. Uncommunicative. No makeup. No cameras. No one-liners. No movement. Wires hooked to machines. The blonde head in bandages.”
However, though Joan wasn’t conscious, she surely would have appreciated what her daughter, Melissa, had created in her room as she breathed her last few breaths.
“That was hard. But she was in a room with flowers and music. It was fragrant. It was amazing,” said Margie Stern, who was at the hospital “all day, every day” with Joan and Melissa.
She added, “Joan looked beautiful at the end.”
Joan was a presence that couldn’t be denied and her brash, irreverent humor will be remembered for a very, very long time.
According to her friend, Cindy Adams, Joan Rivers hasn’t even stopped.
“And today TV, radio, internet, newspapers, magazines, all nonstop wall-to-wall Joan Rivers. Strangers are writing her name on dusty windshields. She’d love it. She’s probably nudging that saint at the Pearly Gate with: ‘Hey, Pete, how about this really great show!'”
What great words from Cindy Adams, a friend who knew Joan Rivers better than most could ever hope to.