When making a commercial, or, well, any attempting any big marketing push, the goal is to get people talking. Talking about the product, the commercial it appeared in, and any fallout that occurs from it. Face it, if a commercial accomplishes any of these things, it’s done its job. That is, as long as it’s not lambasting negativity, but then again, following the Marilyn Manson approach to marketing, all pub is good pub.
While there’s truth to that, if you’re selling a consumer product–and not an image–perhaps people trashing your product isn’t the best way to attract potential consumers, but the point does remain. If a commercial can generate a buzz-worthy reaction, it, in all likelihood, accomplished its goal. Take the new Durex condom commercials for example. Focusing directly on the “sex AND titillation sells,” the company has introduced two new commercials that are playfully risque, while incorporating a little bit of misdirection.
Take a look at both of them:
Finally, the lead image is courtesy of Durex’s Facebook page, which features a map called “The United States of Durex.” From here, visitors can discover their state’s official sex position. For Kentucky, the official position is, as the image suggests, the derby. Consider Kentucky’s connection to the horse industry, that only makes sense. What about you? What is your state’s “official” sexual position? Let us know in the comments.