A little over a year ago, Facebook added a feature to Pages to give admins the ability to automatically promote page posts, in order to help the Page get more likes. Now, it seems that Facebook is taking this feature away.
AllFacebook shares a screenshot it was sent by a reader, which shows a dialogue box telling the Page admin, “To make sure you’re only boosting your most important content, we no longer automatically promote new Page posts.”
In the comments of that report, another user said they saw the feature going away as early as March 11th, and another said their Facebook Ads rep confirmed that the feature would be removed, noting that it had already been removed from the agency profile dashboards.
Facebook has made a lot of changes to its Ad platform over the past year, since the feature was first introduced, in an effort to simplify things. In June, the compay announced it was getting rid of over half of its ad units.
While this move perhaps eliminates some simplicity for advertisers who didn’t want to have to think about what exactly they were promoting day-to-day, it does fall in line with Facebook’s other initiative of enhancing the quality of the content users find in their News Feeds, even if its methods leave a great deal to be desired.
Earlier this week, Forrester’s principal analyst Nate Elliott blogged about how brands are becoming “disillusioned” with Facebook both on the paid and organic side of things.
Still, Facebook’s share of the global ad market is growing rapidly.
Image via Facebook