Twitter is a wonderful place for one-liners. To be funny on the site, you’ve got to be sharp and practice economy of language. You’ve only got 140 characters to make an impression.
And what better way to wind-down the work day than with a selection of some of the day’s most entertaining tweets.
Today, Nancy Grace’s wardrobe malfunction on last night’s Dancing With The Stars is big on Twitter. Also, the Doritos founder’s death is still a trending topic and we learn what the soccer video game FIFA 12 really stands for.
When guys become obsessed with the newly-released FIFA 12 = Females Ignored For Another 12 months.
Happy 13th Birthday Google! Only 4 more years and you can date Mark Sanchez.
Every action has an equal & opposite reaction. AKA the “If you see Scarlett Johansson’s nipple, you’ll see Nancy Grace’s nipple” theorem.
I think Chris Christie should run. Like, twice a day. And lots of stretching.
Just finished my morning exercise routine. (I forgot some stuff upstairs a few times.)
#BecauseOfJustinBieber I finally found the courage to put a senator’s daughter in my well.
Are you part of an indie band that is having trouble coming up with a name? Try “Nancy Grace’s Nipple” You’re welcome.
I watched the new enhanced Star Wars on Blu-ray. My favorite part is when George Lucas shoots all of the George Lucas’ to save George Lucas.
SORRY JESUS I know you turned water into wine but I managed to turn a whole student loan into Vodka….beat that…..