From Idea to Launch: How to Build and Deploy a SaaS in Just 90 Days

Launching a SaaS product in 90 days or less is not just possible—it’s achievable with the right mindset and strategy. Andrew Peacock's game plan is built on real-world experience and hard-earned l...
From Idea to Launch: How to Build and Deploy a SaaS in Just 90 Days
Written by Ryan Gibson
  • Launching a SaaS product can seem like a daunting task. With a plethora of tech stacks, feature lists, and customer demands, the idea of bringing a fully functional product to market in 90 days might seem impossible. However, according to Andrew Peacock, an Associate Full Stack Software Engineer at Booz Allen Hamilton, it’s entirely achievable with the right approach. Drawing on his own experiences and lessons learned, Peacock shares a no-nonsense, practical guide to launching a SaaS product quickly and efficiently.

    In a candid discussion, Peacock breaks down his exact game plan to help aspiring entrepreneurs and software developers avoid common pitfalls and maximize their chances of success. “If you’re a software engineer who’s ever thought about launching a SaaS product… now is your time,” he says, underscoring the urgency of seizing the moment.

    Catch our chat on launching a SaaS in just 90 days—fast, focused, and ready to scale!


    Step 1: The Idea is Key—But Don’t Overthink It

    Peacock starts with the most critical component of launching a SaaS product: the idea. But his advice here is refreshingly simple. “You’re not going to find an idea just sitting behind your keyboard, tapping away, spinning in your chair hoping one pops up,” he says. Instead, the process of discovering a SaaS-worthy idea comes from engaging with the real world, identifying gaps, and solving problems.

    Peacock stresses that the idea needs to be rooted in something you’re passionate about, warning against copying oversaturated markets. “Please, for the love of God, do not make yet another fitness or budgeting app unless you have a real unfair advantage.” His advice is clear: focus on originality and genuine market need, and avoid launching products in spaces where you’re unlikely to stand out.

    Step 2: Skip the Fancy Tools—Start Simple

    For many engineers, it’s tempting to dive into complex tech stacks and templates right away. But Peacock warns that starting with pre-built templates or unfamiliar frameworks can be a major time sink. “One of the major failures I had when working on Bench Box was feeling like I had to start with a template,” he recalls. The result? “I just lost a whole lot of context.”

    Peacock’s advice is to start from scratch, or as he puts it, “Just cherry-pick pieces of the template over that you like and think are valuable when the time comes—and not a second before.” He explains that pre-built systems can often lead to bugs and confusion because developers end up spending more time understanding the template’s code than building their own product.

    Instead, he advocates for focusing on tools that have a singular purpose and are easy to use. “Superbase is really incredible, and their free tier is so generous,” Peacock notes. However, he also cautions against getting too experimental with tools you haven’t used before, especially under tight deadlines. “Now is not the time to experience new tools and technologies,” he says. The message is clear: stick to what you know, and prioritize shipping over exploring.

    Step 3: Build for Your Customers, Not for Your Ego

    When it comes to SaaS, it’s easy to get caught up in the technical intricacies of the stack, but Peacock has a simple reminder: “Your customers do not care about your tech stack.” He drives this point home by explaining that the functionality and usability of your product matter far more than the backend technology powering it. “They care about that the button to do the action exists,” he says. Whether you’re using Spring, Next.js, or Remix to build the button, it doesn’t matter—what matters is that it works.

    Peacock emphasizes the importance of keeping things simple and delivering value to the customer as quickly as possible. He suggests adopting a mindset of functionality over perfection, explaining that the main goal should be getting a working product into users’ hands. “Just go make the damn button,” he adds.

    Step 4: Time Management is Your Secret Weapon

    The most successful SaaS launches, according to Peacock, aren’t driven by endless coding marathons but by disciplined time management. “The next thing I would do if I were launching a SaaS in 90 days is not actually code-related at all—it’s about fitness,” he says, acknowledging the importance of self-care to prevent burnout. Peacock recalls the days of long coding sessions where he would emerge from a “code coma” only to realize he hadn’t eaten or drank water all day.

    “Get outside, go for a walk, do something,” he advises, encouraging developers to prioritize their physical and mental health. Taking breaks, exercising, and maintaining balance is not just beneficial for well-being—it directly enhances productivity. “You’ll be happier, more energized, more focused, and give yourself the mental breather that you need,” he notes.

    In addition to self-care, Peacock recommends scheduling coding sessions and sticking to them. “Put it on your calendar so it actually happens,” he says. By blocking out time for specific tasks, developers can maintain momentum and make steady progress, even if the time available is limited. “If you live by that calendar, you’ll make progress.”

    Step 5: Define a Minimal Viable Product (MVP)

    With only 90 days on the clock, scope creep is a significant risk. Peacock highlights the importance of defining a Minimal Viable Product (MVP) early on. “This bandwidth is going to say how minimal your MVP needs to be,” he says. By realistically assessing how much time is available for coding, developers can set achievable goals and avoid unnecessary features that could delay the launch.

    Even if the MVP is as simple as “an offscreen and a single app page,” Peacock believes that launching something—anything—is better than striving for perfection and missing the deadline. “You have everything that you need, and you just need to start,” he adds, offering encouragement to developers feeling overwhelmed by the process.

    Step 6: Build a Feedback Loop with Early Users

    One of the key advantages of launching quickly is that it enables SaaS founders to gather feedback from real users and iterate on their product. Peacock stresses the importance of getting early users on board as soon as possible, noting that the faster you can start collecting feedback, the quicker you can make improvements.

    He recommends starting with a small group of beta users who are representative of your target market. “Get the product in their hands, listen to their feedback, and prioritize what they want,” he says. Early feedback can be invaluable in shaping the direction of the product, identifying bugs, and understanding which features are most important.

    Step 7: Don’t Get Paralyzed by Fear

    Finally, Peacock underscores the importance of overcoming fear and taking the leap. “The reality is you have everything that you need, and you just need to start,” he says. Too often, developers delay launching their product out of fear of failure, perfectionism, or the belief that they aren’t ready. But as Peacock points out, progress only comes from action.

    “Perfection is the enemy of progress,” he notes. “I’m stoked to see what you make, and I’m so damn excited to see you launch whatever your product is.” The key is to keep moving forward, even if the product isn’t perfect. The goal is to get something out into the world, gather feedback, and iterate from there.

    90 Days to SaaS Success

    Launching a SaaS product in 90 days or less is not just possible—it’s achievable with the right mindset and strategy. Andrew Peacock’s game plan is built on real-world experience and hard-earned lessons, providing a clear roadmap for anyone looking to launch quickly and efficiently.

    From finding the right idea to managing time effectively, focusing on the MVP, and listening to user feedback, the process is straightforward, though not without its challenges. However, by following these steps and keeping things simple, software developers and entrepreneurs can turn their SaaS dreams into reality within three months. As Peacock puts it, “I’m proud of you, and I’m stoked to see you launch.”

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