GenAI Marketing Strategies: Tackling Real-World B2B Use Cases

As a B2B marketer, you've probably wondered if all the hype surrounding ChatGPT was a tool you should consider to help drive leads and sales. The answer is definitely yes! Generative AI (GenAI) is tra...
GenAI Marketing Strategies: Tackling Real-World B2B Use Cases
Written by John Overbee
  • As a B2B marketer, you’ve probably wondered if all the hype surrounding ChatGPT was a tool you should consider to help drive leads and sales. The answer is definitely yes! Generative AI (GenAI) is transforming how B2B marketers, big and small, approach their strategies.

    While much of the discourse around AI has been focused on its potential, the conversation is shifting from what AI can do to how it can be effectively integrated into real-world B2B use cases. As companies strive to stay competitive, the adoption of GenAI is moving from a futuristic concept to a practical necessity. But as with any powerful tool, the challenge lies in understanding how to leverage it for tangible business results.

    From Hype to Implementation: The Need for Practical AI Strategies

    The buzz around AI has been impossible to ignore. Terms like large language models (LLMs) and prompt engineering have become commonplace, yet many B2B marketers are still grappling with how to apply these concepts in a meaningful way. Christopher Penn, Co-Founder and Chief Data Scientist at, encapsulates this sentiment. “Tired of hearing about AI and LLMs without knowing how to actually use them in your B2B marketing?” Penn’s question resonates with many in the industry who are inundated with AI jargon but lack practical guidance on implementation.

    Penn’s upcoming presentation at the MarketingProfs B2B Forum aims to bridge this gap. His focus is on moving beyond theoretical discussions and diving into actionable strategies that marketers can use today. “We’ll cover the fundamentals of prompting, demystify how Large Language Models work, and explore advanced strategies like the Trust Insights PARE and RACE frameworks for creating semi-autonomous prompts,” he explained. These frameworks are designed to help marketers craft prompts that allow for automation while retaining control over the output—striking a balance between efficiency and oversight.

    Competitive Analysis: Uncovering Hidden Opportunities

    One of the most compelling applications of GenAI in B2B marketing is its ability to revolutionize competitive analysis. The process of gathering competitive intelligence is often labor-intensive, requiring marketers to sift through vast amounts of data to glean actionable insights. GenAI, however, can automate much of this work, uncovering hidden competitor strategies that might otherwise go unnoticed. Penn highlights this as a critical use case, noting, “Imagine uncovering hidden competitor strategies or identifying the perfect micro-influencer for your next campaign—all through the power of well-crafted prompts.”

    This capability represents a significant advancement in how B2B marketers can approach competitive analysis. Traditional methods often involve manual research, which can be both time-consuming and prone to human error. GenAI, by contrast, can process vast datasets in a fraction of the time, identifying patterns and insights that provide a competitive edge. This not only enhances strategic decision-making but also allows companies to react more quickly to changes in the market.

    Influencer Alignment: Targeting Precision in B2B Campaigns

    In addition to competitive analysis, Penn also emphasizes the role of GenAI in influencer alignment. Identifying the right influencers who resonate with your target audience is a critical challenge in B2B marketing, where the stakes are often higher than in B2C campaigns. GenAI can streamline this process by analyzing large datasets to match brands with influencers whose audiences align with the brand’s objectives. This level of precision ensures that marketing efforts are not only effective but also highly targeted.

    “GenAI can simplify the process by analyzing vast amounts of data to match brands with influencers whose audiences align with the brand’s goals,” Penn explained. This capability is particularly valuable in B2B marketing, where the target audience is often more niche, and the relationships between brands and influencers need to be carefully cultivated. By automating the data analysis process, GenAI allows marketers to focus on building these relationships rather than spending countless hours on manual research.

    Content Creation: Beyond Automation

    While content creation is often the most discussed application of GenAI, Penn is quick to point out that its utility extends far beyond generating blog posts or social media updates. “This isn’t just about content creation,” he said. “We’ll be tackling real-world B2B use cases like competitive analysis, strategic planning, and influencer alignment.”

    The real power of GenAI in content creation lies in its ability to support higher-level strategic tasks. For instance, by automating the initial stages of content generation, GenAI frees up marketers to focus on refining messaging, optimizing campaigns, and developing more sophisticated marketing strategies. This shift from manual content production to strategic oversight is where GenAI offers the most value, allowing companies to scale their content efforts without sacrificing quality.

    Strategic Planning: Aligning AI with Business Goals

    Effective use of GenAI in B2B marketing requires more than just technical know-how; it necessitates a strategic approach that aligns AI initiatives with broader business goals. As Penn noted, “You want to have a top-down approach to this. You want to make sure that you’re identifying that early use case, rolling it out as a team, and again, talking about those standards and the ways that your team is going to actually realize the results of that AI use.”

    This top-down approach ensures that AI initiatives are not just experiments conducted in isolation but are integrated into the company’s overall strategy. It also helps mitigate risks by establishing clear standards and protocols for AI use across the organization. By aligning AI initiatives with business objectives, companies can ensure that their investments in GenAI are driving real value.

    Meghan Keaney Anderson, VP of Marketing at Jasper, echoed this sentiment during a recent LinkedIn fireside chat. “The strategy that you have as a marketing team, it’s going to fundamentally change in a significant way over the next few years, not just by using AI tools, but because of the way that AI is going to change things like search and the way that people discover and consume content,” she said. This shift underscores the importance of strategic planning in AI adoption, ensuring that companies are prepared for the broader changes that AI will bring to the marketing landscape.

    Navigating the Challenges of AI Integration

    Despite the clear benefits of GenAI, its integration into B2B marketing strategies is not without challenges. One of the most significant hurdles is balancing experimentation with control. As Penn observed, “Either there’s a ton of experimentation happening, and it’s happening at the individual level. That means there may be some risk because individuals may be using or using tools that aren’t secure or are using them incorrectly. Or the company is completely locked down, and no experimentation is happening at all.”

    Penn advocates for a structured, top-down approach that encourages experimentation within a controlled environment to navigate this challenge. “You want to have a top-down approach to this,” he advised. “You want to make sure that you’re identifying that early use case, rolling it out as a team, and again, talking about those standards and the ways that your team is going to actually, you know, realize the results of that AI use.”

    This approach ensures that experimentation is guided by clear objectives and aligned with the company’s overall strategy. It also helps mitigate risks associated with AI deployment by establishing standards and protocols for AI use across the organization. By creating a controlled environment for experimentation, companies can explore the full potential of GenAI while minimizing the risks associated with its use.

    Upskilling and Education: Preparing Teams for AI Integration

    As companies integrate GenAI into their marketing strategies, their teams must be equipped to leverage these new tools effectively. Penn highlighted the importance of upskilling and continuous education in this process. “Invest in AI education,” he recommended. “LinkedIn has a ton of really good educational content around AI right now. Sign your employees, your team up for those, have discussions about them. There are incredible things that AI can do. There are also a lot of weaknesses of AI. Make sure that your team knows what goes on behind the scenes of this technology and demystify it a bit.”

    This focus on education is essential for ensuring that teams are not only able to use AI tools but also understand their limitations. By providing ongoing training and development opportunities, companies can ensure that their teams are prepared to navigate AI’s challenges and opportunities. This approach also helps to foster a culture of continuous learning, which is critical for staying competitive in the fast-paced world of B2B marketing.

    Measurement and ROI: Moving Beyond Efficiency

    In the early stages of AI adoption, much of the focus has been on efficiency—how AI can help companies do more with less. However, as Penn pointed out, the true value of AI lies in its ability to drive better business outcomes. “The whole discussion in the first year of mass adoption of AI was all about efficiency. How do we use AI to cut costs? How did we use AI to do more with less? And efficiency is great, but I think if that’s the end of the story, it’s sort of an underwhelming output of AI,” he said.

    Penn advocates for a shift in focus from efficiency to effectiveness. “We have to get beyond faster outputs into better outcomes for marketing materials,” he argued. This means using AI not just to save time but to improve the quality of marketing efforts, drive better results, and ultimately contribute to the company’s bottom line.

    The Future of B2B Marketing with GenAI

    As GenAI continues to evolve, its impact on B2B marketing is expected to grow. Anderson emphasized that the changes we’re seeing now are just the beginning. “The strategy that you have as a marketing team, it’s going to fundamentally change in a significant way over the next few years, not just by using AI tools, but because of the way that AI is going to change things like search and the way that people discover and consume content,” she said.

    Looking ahead, GenAI’s potential applications in B2B marketing are massive. From automating repetitive tasks to enabling hyper-personalization at scale, AI offers marketers new ways to enhance their strategies and deliver more value to their clients. However, success will depend on marketers’ ability to navigate the challenges of AI integration, including managing risks, aligning AI initiatives with broader business goals, and ensuring that their teams can effectively leverage these powerful tools.

    B2B Marketers Are at a Critical Juncture

    As the adoption of GenAI accelerates, B2B marketers are at a critical juncture. The promise of AI is no longer just theoretical—it’s a practical reality that can drive real business results. However, realizing this potential requires a strategic approach that goes beyond experimentation and focuses on alignment with broader business objectives.

    By leveraging GenAI for competitive analysis, strategic planning, and influencer alignment, marketers can unlock new levels of efficiency and effectiveness. But to fully capitalize on the potential of GenAI, companies must invest in upskilling their teams, creating a culture of continuous learning, and focusing on driving better business outcomes rather than just improving efficiency.

    As Penn aptly put it, “Learn to leverage the power of AI to drive real results for your business.” With the right strategies in place, GenAI has the potential to revolutionize B2B marketing, helping companies stay ahead of the competition and deliver more value to their clients. The future of B2B marketing is here, and it’s powered by AI.

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