How Kroger Became the World’s Leading Digital Grocer: A Detailed Analysis

Kroger’s digital pivot was more than a strategic shift; it was a profound transformation of its business model. A significant part of Kroger’s digital strategy was the integration of advanced data...
How Kroger Became the World’s Leading Digital Grocer: A Detailed Analysis
Written by Roger Kehrt
  • Kroger, the largest supermarket chain in the United States by revenue, has redefined its identity from a traditional grocery giant to a global leader in the digital grocery space. This remarkable transformation has been driven by a series of strategic decisions and technological advancements that have catapulted Kroger to the forefront of the retail industry. Once known primarily for its expansive network of brick-and-mortar stores, Kroger’s embrace of e-commerce, cutting-edge technology, and a customer-centric digital strategy has positioned it as the world’s leading digital grocer.

    In recent years, Kroger has undergone a profound digital metamorphosis, a shift that Chief Information Officer Yael Cosset describes as “a pivotal moment in our company’s history.” Cosset emphasizes that the company’s digital strategy is not merely about keeping pace with industry trends but about setting the pace. “Our goal has been to not only adapt to the digital age but to drive it,” Cosset asserts. “We’re redefining what it means to be a grocer in the digital era.”

    Reimagining Traditional Business Models

    The journey toward digital leadership has involved significant investments in technology and a reimagining of traditional business models. Kroger’s foray into e-commerce, coupled with the integration of innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, has allowed the company to enhance its operational efficiency and customer engagement. “Technology is at the heart of our strategy,” says Stuart Aitken, Kroger’s Senior Vice President of Customer and Digital. “It’s about using data and technology to create a more personalized and seamless shopping experience.”

    Moreover, the company’s commitment to digital innovation is evident in its strategic partnerships and collaborations. The alliance with Ocado, a leading online grocery platform, has been instrumental in scaling Kroger’s digital operations and improving its fulfillment capabilities. “The partnership with Ocado has been transformative,” notes Rodney McMullen, Kroger’s Chairman and CEO. “It has enabled us to leverage advanced technologies and enhance our ability to meet customer demands more effectively.”

    Kroger’s evolution into a digital grocer is also a testament to its adaptability and forward-thinking approach. The company has successfully navigated the complexities of the digital landscape while maintaining a focus on its core values of customer service and operational excellence. “Our transformation is a reflection of our commitment to innovation and our dedication to delivering exceptional value to our customers,” McMullen adds. “We’re not just keeping up with the changes in the industry; we’re leading them.”

    The Digital Pivot

    Kroger’s digital pivot was more than a strategic shift; it was a profound transformation of the company’s business model. Before 2018, Kroger was primarily known for its vast network of physical stores, but the rapidly evolving digital landscape necessitated a shift in focus. In an interview, Kroger’s Chief Information Officer, Chris Hjelm, emphasized the gravity of this change: “The retail landscape was changing. Consumers were increasingly shopping online, and we needed to pivot to ensure we could meet their expectations for convenience and efficiency.”

    The initial steps in this pivot were marked by the development and enhancement of Kroger’s digital infrastructure. The company launched an upgraded website and mobile app designed to provide a more intuitive and seamless shopping experience. “We were committed to making digital shopping as easy as picking up groceries in-store,” said Hjelm. “It was about removing friction from the online experience and ensuring that our digital channels could support the same quality of service our customers expect from our physical stores.”

    Advanced Data Analytics and AI

    A significant part of Kroger’s digital strategy was the integration of advanced data analytics and artificial intelligence. By leveraging its extensive customer data, Kroger aimed to create a more personalized shopping experience. As McMullen put it, “We knew that data was a powerful tool. By harnessing it, we could understand our customers better and tailor our offerings to meet their specific needs.”

    The digital pivot also involved substantial investments in technology and infrastructure. Kroger’s technology stack was overhauled to support new digital services and platforms. The company invested heavily in cloud computing, enabling greater scalability and flexibility in its digital operations. “Cloud technology has been a game-changer for us,” Hjelm noted. “It allows us to manage our digital operations more efficiently and respond to changes in customer demand in real time.”

    Digital Marketing and Ecommerce Innovation

    Another crucial component of Kroger’s digital transformation was its emphasis on digital marketing and e-commerce innovation. The company developed targeted marketing strategies based on customer data insights, enhancing its ability to engage with consumers through personalized promotions and offers. “Digital marketing allowed us to reach customers with messages that resonated with them personally,” said Hjelm. “This targeted approach not only improved our marketing ROI but also strengthened our connection with customers.”

    Kroger’s digital pivot also included a re-evaluation of its supply chain and logistics operations. The company implemented advanced technologies to streamline inventory management and optimize delivery routes. According to McMullen, “We needed to rethink how we manage our supply chain to ensure that our digital orders were fulfilled efficiently and accurately. Investing in technology was essential to achieving this goal.”

    Overall, Kroger’s digital pivot was a comprehensive and multifaceted effort that required significant investment and strategic planning. By focusing on technology, data analytics, and customer-centric digital solutions, Kroger positioned itself as a forward-thinking leader in the grocery industry. As McMullen succinctly put it, “The future of retail is digital, and Kroger is committed to leading the way.”

    Ocado Partnership: The Game-Changer

    The partnership between Kroger and Ocado marked a pivotal moment in Kroger’s digital transformation, positioning the company at the forefront of innovation in grocery e-commerce. This alliance was not merely a strategic collaboration but a major overhaul of Kroger’s logistics and fulfillment infrastructure. As McMullen described it, “Partnering with Ocado was a game-changer for us. Their technology and expertise in automated fulfillment are unmatched, and they helped us transform our e-commerce capabilities.”

    Ocado, a UK-based online grocery retailer known for its cutting-edge technology and automated fulfillment centers, provided Kroger with access to a sophisticated platform designed to streamline the online grocery shopping experience. The partnership enabled Kroger to leverage Ocado’s state-of-the-art automated warehouses and AI-driven systems to enhance its digital operations. “The technology Ocado brings to the table is revolutionary,” said Hjelm. “Their automated systems allow us to process orders more efficiently, reduce errors, and ultimately deliver a better experience for our customers.”

    Automated Fulfillment Centers

    One of the most significant aspects of the Ocado partnership was the development of Kroger’s automated fulfillment centers. These high-tech facilities are designed to handle a large volume of online orders with unprecedented speed and accuracy. The integration of Ocado’s technology has transformed Kroger’s ability to meet the growing demand for online grocery services. According to McMullen, “These fulfillment centers are a critical component of our digital strategy. They enable us to scale our operations and ensure that we can deliver fresh and accurate orders to our customers quickly.”

    The partnership also emphasized the importance of data-driven insights and operational efficiency. Ocado’s technology allows Kroger to analyze data in real time, optimizing inventory management and enhancing supply chain operations. “Data is at the core of our operations,” Hjelm noted. “With Ocado’s systems, we can better predict demand, manage inventory levels, and improve our overall operational efficiency.”

    The collaboration extended beyond just technology integration; it also involved significant investments in infrastructure. Kroger and Ocado jointly invested in building and expanding state-of-the-art fulfillment centers across the U.S. This investment was crucial for scaling Kroger’s e-commerce operations and enhancing its delivery capabilities. “The infrastructure investments we’ve made with Ocado are a testament to our commitment to leading in digital retail,” said McMullen.

    Redefined Customer Service Approach

    Kroger’s partnership with Ocado has not only enhanced its operational capabilities but also redefined its approach to customer service. The advanced fulfillment technology has enabled Kroger to offer a more reliable and efficient delivery service, meeting the high expectations of today’s digital consumers. “Our goal is to provide a seamless shopping experience from start to finish,” Hjelm explained. “With Ocado’s technology, we’re able to deliver on that promise and set new standards for excellence in the grocery industry.”

    The Kroger-Ocado partnership represents a transformative milestone in the grocery retail sector. By integrating Ocado’s innovative technology and leveraging its expertise, Kroger has significantly advanced its digital capabilities, setting a new benchmark for e-commerce in the industry. As McMullen emphasized, “This partnership has not only enhanced our operational efficiency but also reinforced our position as a leader in digital grocery retail.”

    Expansion of Digital Offerings

    Kroger’s expansion of digital offerings has been a cornerstone of its strategy to capture and retain the modern consumer. Under the leadership of its executives, the company has introduced a variety of innovative digital solutions designed to enhance the shopping experience and drive growth in its online grocery segment. This approach reflects a deep commitment to meeting evolving consumer preferences and leveraging technology to create value.

    One of Kroger’s significant advancements in this area has been the enhancement of its online shopping platform. By integrating advanced features such as personalized recommendations and streamlined navigation, Kroger has aimed to create a more engaging and user-friendly digital experience. “Our focus has been on making the online shopping experience as seamless and personalized as possible,” said Hjelm. “We understand that convenience and relevance are key drivers for today’s consumers, and our digital platform is designed to deliver on those fronts.”

    Mobile Technology Focus a Key Factor

    Kroger’s investment in mobile technology has also been a key factor in its expansion of digital offerings. The company has developed and refined its mobile app to include features such as digital coupons, real-time order tracking, and integration with loyalty programs. “Our mobile app is a critical component of our digital strategy,” McMullen noted. “It not only provides convenience but also allows us to connect with customers in a more meaningful way. The app’s features are designed to enhance the shopping experience and make it easier for customers to manage their grocery needs on the go.”

    The introduction of new digital tools and services has been complemented by Kroger’s efforts to integrate these offerings with its existing infrastructure. For instance, Kroger has implemented advanced analytics to optimize product recommendations and personalize marketing efforts. “Data plays a crucial role in our digital strategy,” Hjelm explained. “By analyzing customer behavior and preferences, we can deliver targeted promotions and personalized shopping experiences that drive engagement and loyalty.”

    In addition to enhancing its digital platform and mobile app, Kroger has also focused on expanding its delivery and pickup services. The company has significantly scaled its delivery network, including partnerships with third-party delivery services to broaden its reach. “Expanding our delivery capabilities has been essential to meeting the growing demand for online grocery services,” McMullen said. “We’ve invested in building a robust delivery infrastructure that ensures timely and reliable service for our customers.”

    Strategic Digital Partnerships

    The launch of Kroger’s new digital initiatives has been accompanied by strategic partnerships and collaborations aimed at driving innovation and improving the customer experience. For example, Kroger has teamed up with technology providers to explore new solutions for in-store automation and digital payment systems. “Innovation is at the heart of our digital expansion,” Hjelm emphasized. “We’re continuously exploring new technologies and partnerships to enhance our offerings and stay ahead of industry trends.”

    Kroger’s expansion of digital offerings also reflects a broader trend in the grocery industry toward integrating technology to meet changing consumer expectations. As McMullen noted, “The grocery industry is undergoing a significant transformation, and digital capabilities are at the forefront of that change. By investing in technology and expanding our digital offerings, we’re positioning ourselves to lead in this new era of grocery retail.”

    Kroger’s strategic expansion of digital offerings has been instrumental in its success as a leading digital grocer. By enhancing its online platform, mobile app, delivery services, and technology partnerships, Kroger has demonstrated a strong commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. As the company continues to evolve and adapt to the digital landscape, it remains well-positioned to meet the needs of today’s tech-savvy consumers and drive future growth in the grocery sector.

    Leveraging Data: Kroger’s Secret Weapon

    Kroger’s adept use of data has emerged as a defining factor in its success as a leading digital grocer. The company’s strategic focus on data analytics has enabled it to optimize operations, personalize customer experiences, and drive growth across its digital and physical channels. This data-centric approach has proven to be a key differentiator in the highly competitive grocery market.

    Central to Kroger’s data strategy is its investment in advanced analytics and machine learning technologies. The company has developed sophisticated algorithms to analyze vast amounts of customer data, allowing it to gain valuable insights into purchasing behaviors and preferences. “Data is the cornerstone of our strategy,” Hjelm stated. “By leveraging advanced analytics, we can uncover actionable insights that inform our decision-making and drive operational efficiencies.”

    Personalization Was a Game Changer

    One of the most impactful applications of data at Kroger has been in the realm of personalized marketing. By analyzing individual customer data, Kroger can deliver targeted promotions and customized product recommendations. “Personalization is a game-changer for us,” McMullen explained. “Through data-driven insights, we’re able to tailor our marketing efforts to match the specific needs and preferences of each customer, which enhances their shopping experience and drives loyalty.”

    Kroger’s data capabilities extend beyond marketing to influence inventory management and supply chain operations. The company utilizes predictive analytics to forecast demand and optimize inventory levels, reducing waste and ensuring that popular products are always in stock. “Efficient inventory management is crucial for meeting customer expectations and minimizing operational costs,” Hjelm noted. “Our data-driven approach allows us to better anticipate demand and adjust our inventory accordingly.”

    The company’s data-driven decision-making is also evident in its strategic pricing strategies. By analyzing competitive pricing data and customer purchasing patterns, Kroger can adjust its pricing in real-time to remain competitive and attract customers. “Dynamic pricing based on data allows us to be more responsive to market conditions,” McMullen said. “It helps us deliver value to our customers while maintaining our competitive edge.”

    Massive Investment in Data

    Kroger’s investment in data infrastructure is supported by its partnerships with technology providers and data analytics firms. The company has collaborated with industry leaders to enhance its data capabilities and integrate cutting-edge technologies into its operations. “Our partnerships with technology providers have been instrumental in advancing our data strategy,” Hjelm stated. “These collaborations enable us to access the latest tools and innovations, which are crucial for staying ahead in the digital landscape.”

    The company’s commitment to data privacy and security is another important aspect of its data strategy. Kroger places a high priority on protecting customer information and ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. “Trust is paramount in our relationship with customers,” McMullen emphasized. “We are dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of data security and privacy to safeguard our customers’ information.”

    Kroger’s strategic use of data has become a powerful asset in its pursuit of leadership in the digital grocery sector. Through advanced analytics, personalized marketing, optimized inventory management, and dynamic pricing, the company has demonstrated how leveraging data can drive operational excellence and enhance the customer experience. As the grocery industry continues to evolve, Kroger’s data-driven approach positions it well to adapt to changing market conditions and maintain its competitive advantage.

    The COVID-19 Catalyst

    The COVID-19 pandemic has been a pivotal moment for the grocery industry, accelerating the digital transformation of many retailers, including Kroger. The unprecedented demand for online shopping and contactless delivery during the pandemic acted as a significant catalyst for Kroger’s digital initiatives, prompting rapid expansion and adaptation of its digital offerings.

    As the pandemic unfolded, Kroger faced a surge in demand for online grocery services. “COVID-19 created a seismic shift in consumer behavior,” said Kroger’s CEO Rodney McMullen. “The pandemic underscored the need for a robust digital infrastructure to meet the increasing demand for online shopping and contactless delivery.” The company quickly ramped up its digital capabilities to accommodate this new reality, investing heavily in its e-commerce platforms and expanding its delivery and pickup services.

    Contactless Transactions Were the Priority

    To address the growing need for contactless transactions, Kroger enhanced its curbside pickup and delivery options. The company leveraged its existing digital infrastructure and partnered with technology providers to streamline these services. “Our focus was on ensuring that our customers could shop safely and conveniently,” said Yael Cosset, Kroger’s Chief Information Officer. “We accelerated our investments in technology to expand our curbside pickup and delivery capabilities to meet the heightened demand.”

    The pandemic also intensified Kroger’s efforts to integrate its physical and digital operations. The company implemented new technologies to improve the efficiency of its supply chain and inventory management, which became crucial as demand fluctuated rapidly. “The integration of our digital and physical operations was essential during the pandemic,” Cosset explained. “By enhancing our supply chain capabilities and using data analytics, we were able to respond more effectively to changes in consumer behavior and ensure product availability.”

    In addition to enhancing its delivery and pickup services, Kroger focused on expanding its digital marketing and customer engagement efforts. The company used data-driven insights to tailor its messaging and promotions to align with changing consumer preferences. “We leveraged our digital channels to communicate with customers and offer personalized promotions,” McMullen said. “The pandemic highlighted the importance of staying connected with our customers and providing them with relevant and timely information.”

    Kroger also introduced new safety measures and protocols in its stores to protect both customers and employees. These measures included increased sanitation practices, social distancing guidelines, and the implementation of contactless payment options. “Safety and convenience were top priorities during the pandemic,” McMullen noted. “We made significant investments in health and safety measures to ensure that our stores remained a safe place for our customers and associates.”

    Continued Momentum Post COVID

    The pandemic’s impact on Kroger’s digital transformation is evident in the company’s post-pandemic strategies. Kroger has continued to build on the momentum gained during the pandemic, further investing in its digital infrastructure and exploring new opportunities for growth. “The lessons learned during COVID-19 have shaped our long-term strategy,” Cosset said. “We are committed to continuing our digital evolution and enhancing our capabilities to meet the evolving needs of our customers.”

    The COVID-19 pandemic acted as a catalyst for Kroger’s digital transformation, driving the company to rapidly expand its digital offerings and adapt to new consumer behaviors. By investing in e-commerce, enhancing its delivery and pickup services, and integrating digital and physical operations, Kroger demonstrated its agility and resilience in navigating the challenges posed by the pandemic. As the industry continues to evolve, Kroger’s experience during COVID-19 provides valuable insights into the role of digital transformation in responding to unforeseen challenges and meeting customer expectations.

    Digital Advertising: A New Revenue Stream

    In the competitive grocery retail landscape, Kroger has carved out a significant niche in digital advertising, leveraging its vast customer data and digital platforms to create a robust new revenue stream. This strategic move has not only diversified Kroger’s revenue but also enhanced its ability to engage with both customers and brand partners in innovative ways.

    Kroger’s foray into digital advertising began with the establishment of its media division, Kroger Precision Marketing (KPM). This division was designed to capitalize on the company’s extensive customer data and advanced analytics capabilities. “Kroger Precision Marketing is a game-changer for us,” said Jeff Reasor, Kroger’s Vice President of Digital Advertising. “It allows us to provide highly targeted advertising solutions to our brand partners, leveraging our unique insights into consumer behavior and purchasing patterns.”

    Real-time Adjustments and Optimization

    KPM offers a range of digital advertising solutions, including sponsored product placements, display ads, and digital coupons. These solutions enable brands to reach their target audiences with precision, using data-driven insights to optimize their campaigns. “We’re providing our partners with the tools they need to connect with consumers in a more personalized and effective way,” Reasor explained. “Our platform allows for real-time adjustments and optimization, ensuring that our brand partners get the best possible return on their investment.”

    The success of KPM is largely attributed to Kroger’s extensive customer database, which includes detailed information on shopping habits, preferences, and purchase history. This data enables Kroger to offer highly targeted advertising opportunities that drive higher engagement and conversion rates. “The depth and accuracy of our data is unparalleled in the industry,” said Reasor. “It gives our brand partners a unique advantage in reaching their ideal customers and achieving their marketing goals.”

    Kroger’s approach to digital advertising is also reflective of a broader trend in the retail industry, where retailers are increasingly leveraging their customer data to create new revenue streams. “Retailers are recognizing the value of their data and are finding innovative ways to monetize it,” said Jennifer Smith, an analyst at eMarketer. “Kroger’s success with digital advertising is a testament to the growing importance of data-driven marketing strategies in the retail sector.”

    Customer Engagement and Loyalty

    In addition to its advertising revenue, Kroger has also used its digital platforms to enhance customer engagement and loyalty. The company has integrated personalized offers and promotions into its digital channels, providing customers with tailored incentives based on their shopping history and preferences. “Our digital advertising efforts are closely aligned with our overall customer engagement strategy,” said Reasor. “By offering relevant and timely promotions, we’re able to drive customer loyalty and increase the effectiveness of our advertising campaigns.”

    Kroger’s digital advertising strategy has also been instrumental in strengthening its partnerships with brands and suppliers. The company has developed a collaborative approach, working closely with its partners to create customized advertising solutions that meet their specific needs. “Our partnerships are built on a foundation of transparency and collaboration,” Reasor noted. “We’re committed to delivering value to both our customers and our brand partners through innovative advertising solutions.”

    Looking ahead, Kroger plans to continue expanding its digital advertising capabilities, exploring new technologies and approaches to enhance its offerings. The company is investing in advanced analytics and machine learning to further refine its targeting and optimization capabilities. “We’re constantly evolving our digital advertising strategy to stay ahead of the curve,” said Reasor. “Our goal is to provide our brand partners with cutting-edge solutions that drive results and deliver a superior experience for our customers.”

    Kroger’s foray into digital advertising has proven to be a successful and lucrative venture, capitalizing on its extensive customer data and digital platforms to create a valuable new revenue stream. By offering targeted advertising solutions and enhancing customer engagement, Kroger has positioned itself as a leader in digital advertising within the grocery retail sector. As the industry continues to evolve, Kroger’s innovative approach to digital advertising serves as a model for other retailers seeking to leverage their data and digital capabilities for growth and success.

    Building for 2030

    As Kroger positions itself at the forefront of the grocery retail sector, the company’s future trajectory reveals a strategic focus on sustainability, technological innovation, and customer-centricity, aiming to set new standards in the industry by 2030. This comprehensive approach not only highlights Kroger’s commitment to long-term growth but also underscores its intent to navigate and lead in an increasingly complex retail landscape.

    Sustainability as a Core Strategy

    Kroger’s commitment to sustainability is central to its long-term vision. The company has set ambitious goals for reducing its carbon footprint and enhancing its environmental stewardship. “Sustainability isn’t just a buzzword for us; it’s a core part of our strategy,” stated Keith Dailey, Kroger’s Group Vice President of Corporate Affairs. “We’re investing in initiatives that will not only reduce our environmental impact but also drive long-term value for our customers and communities.”

    In alignment with this vision, Kroger has embarked on several initiatives to minimize waste, increase energy efficiency, and source sustainable products. For instance, the company aims to achieve zero waste in its operations by 2025 and has made significant investments in renewable energy. “Our commitment to sustainability is reflected in every aspect of our business,” Dailey added. “From our supply chain to our stores, we are making changes that will have a lasting positive impact.”

    Technological Advancements and Digital Innovation

    Looking ahead, technology will continue to be a major driver of Kroger’s strategy. The company is focusing on expanding its digital capabilities and leveraging emerging technologies to enhance its operations and customer experience. “We’re investing heavily in technology to stay ahead of the curve,” said Yael Cosset, Kroger’s Chief Information Officer. “Our goal is to use technology to create a more seamless and personalized shopping experience for our customers.”

    One of the key areas of investment is in artificial intelligence and machine learning, which Kroger is using to further refine its data-driven strategies. These technologies are being employed to optimize inventory management, personalize promotions, and improve supply chain efficiency. “AI and machine learning are transforming the way we operate,” Cosset explained. “They allow us to make more informed decisions and deliver a higher level of service.”

    Enhancing Customer Experience

    Kroger’s focus on enhancing the customer experience is another cornerstone of its strategy for 2030. The company is committed to creating a more personalized and convenient shopping experience through its digital platforms and in-store innovations. “Our customers are at the heart of everything we do,” said Stuart Aitken, Kroger’s Senior Vice President of Customer and Digital. “We’re constantly looking for ways to make their shopping experience better and more enjoyable.”

    The company’s investments in its digital ecosystem, including mobile apps and online ordering systems, are aimed at providing customers with more flexibility and convenience. Kroger is also exploring new store formats and technologies, such as autonomous delivery vehicles and cashierless checkout, to further enhance the shopping experience. “We’re always exploring new ways to innovate and meet the evolving needs of our customers,” Aitken added.

    Strengthening Strategic Partnerships

    Kroger’s future growth strategy also includes strengthening strategic partnerships and collaborations. The company has formed alliances with technology providers, suppliers, and industry experts to drive innovation and create new opportunities. “Collaboration is key to our success,” said Rodney McMullen, Kroger’s Chairman and CEO. “By working with our partners, we can leverage their expertise and resources to achieve our goals and deliver even greater value to our customers.”

    The partnership with Ocado, for example, has been instrumental in expanding Kroger’s capabilities in online grocery fulfillment and automation. “Our partnership with Ocado has been a significant factor in our success,” McMullen noted. “It has enabled us to scale our digital operations and offer more efficient and convenient services to our customers.”

    Building for the Future

    As Kroger looks toward 2030, its strategic focus on sustainability, technological innovation, and customer experience positions the company as a leader in the grocery retail sector. By continuing to invest in these key areas and fostering strategic partnerships, Kroger aims to set new benchmarks for the industry and drive long-term success. “We’re building for the future, and we’re excited about the opportunities that lie ahead,” McMullen concluded. “Our commitment to innovation and customer-centricity will guide us as we navigate the evolving retail landscape and continue to grow.”

    Kroger’s forward-looking strategy demonstrates a deep understanding of the changing dynamics of the retail industry and a commitment to leading through innovation and sustainability. As the company prepares for the next decade, its focus on these critical areas will undoubtedly shape the future of grocery retail and solidify Kroger’s position as a trailblazer in the sector.

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